Title Development of Analytical Model for R/C Beam-Column Joint Considering Expansion of Beam Plastic Hinge Zone
Authors 유영찬 ; 이리형
Page pp.229-240
ISSN 12251674
Abstract 1)탄성구간, 2)변형경화 구간, 3)비탄성 재하(unloading), 4)하중반전 주위에서의 비탄성 재하(reloading), 5)균열이 닫히기 전까지의 비탄성 재하(reloading), 6)균열이 닫힌 후의 비탄성 재하(reloading). 본 해석모델을 기존연구자의 실험체에 대하여 적용한 결과, 각 사이클에서의 초대하중 및 강도저하 특성 등에서 실험결과와 비교적 잘 일치하고 있으며 또한 에너지 분산능력에 대한 이론치와 실험치의 오차도 약10%내외의 값을 나타나고 있다. 따라서 본 해석모델은 반복하중을 받는 철근 콘크리트 보의 이력거동 해석에 적용가능하다고 판단된다. ; The purpose of this study is to propose the analytical model for the hysteretic behavior of R/C beam-column joints considering the expansion of the beam plastic hinge zone. The discrete line element with inelastic rotational springs was adopted to consider the movement and expansion of the plastic hinging zone influenced by details of longitudinal reinforcements. After assuming the linear distribution of moment along the member and an inflection point at the beam mid-span, the primary moment-slope curve of the member is acquired by integrating the curvatures of plastic hinges and elastic portion of beam. The proposed hysteretic rules are composed of 6 branches; 1) elastic loading and elastic unloading, 2) inelastic loading, 3) general inelastic unloading, 4) inelastic unloading at the vicinity of load reversal, 5) inelastic reloading during closing of cracks, 6) inelastic reloading after closing of cracks.The comparision of test results with experimental results for the load-displacement curve shows a good agreement with respect to the maximum cyclic load and strength deterioration characteristics at each cycles. Also the energy dissipation capacities calculated using the analytical model proposed in this paper show a good agreement with test results by an error of 10%.