Title |
A Study of People`s Visual-Perceptual Dimensions of Apartment Facades |
Abstract |
This study is based on the environment-behavior theories to the visual perception. The purpose of this study is to clarify how people perceive building facades, and the visual elements that influence their perception.To achieve these purpose, questionnaires are made in accordance with the objects of this study.Date are analyzed by SPSS-PC+program(fator Analysis, Reliability Analsis).This results derived of this study are as follows:1. People consciously or unconsciously perceive their physical environment with four dimensions of perception: The first is related to elements of mass-outline and overall-mass. Second, is the elements of color and visual accent. Third, is the elements of building surface, such as the shape of window, balcony and wall surface, and the condition of wall surface. Fourth, is the elements of finishing and details2. This reserach clarifies that these four dimensions of perception are identical to the theories of the architectural researchers, such as Krampen(1979), Brolin(1980), Bacon(1980), Krier(1989), which are indicated as visual-perceptual design elements and dimension of human perception in physica environment.3. This paper presents a systematic base for environment-behavior reserchers to study in the human pereption, preference, satisfaction, meaning, and symbols in the physical environment. |