Title Analysis of Apartment Dwellers` Alteration in the City of Seoul
Authors 홍선경 ; 윤복자
Page pp.3-14
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of this study was to develop the model in order to explain and predict the characteristics of apartment dwellers' alteration. Survey research method was used in this study.Questionnaires were administersd to 480 housholds of apartments located in the city of seoul. For the analysis of data, such techniques were used as t=test, factor analysis, and logit model in addition to percentage distribution.The major findings of this study were ; most of apartment dwellers had remodeled the family living space, srevice space, and work space. The contents of apartment dwellers' alteration were classified into five ;Structure / window and doors, storage areas, facilities / equipments, decorative installation, and finishing materials. The probability models of alteration was influenced by the age of eldest child, the monthly income, the size of apartment, and the building ages.The building age was the most strong variable to predict aprtment dwellers' alteration in the future.