Title A Study on the Thermal Comfort Draft Requirements of Low Temperature Floor Heating System
Authors 이경희 ; 한윤호
Page pp.171-178
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effects of various on the whole body thermal sensation as air velocity, clo, indoor air temperature and operative temperature are varied.The thermal environment in environmental chamber is formed by refrigerator, air chamber, duct, heating panel. The environmental elements such as indoor air temperature, globe temperature, relative humidity is measured under the five different of air velocity. The subjects are required to write in the questionnaire on the whole body thermal sensation during the experimentCorrelation of the whole body thermal sensation and the thermal environment in environmental chamber is examined by simple linear regression analysis method.Results are as follows.1) In the state of air velocity was below 0.45m/s and 0.63~0.9clo; it has shown that the comfort zone of indoor air temperature was 20.6~23.7 C and the neutral point was 22.2 C, operative temperature was 20.7~23.7 C and the neutral point was 22.4 C.2) In case of air velocity was below 0.25m/s, the difference of neutral point was small, but in case of air velocity was over 0.35m/s, the difference of neutral point was a little wider.3) In comparison with other studies, it could be regarded that the proper clo value of Korean was 0.7~0.8clo.