Title A Study on the Daylight Illuminance for the Daylighting Design
Authors 이석배
Page pp.189-202
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The current daylighting prediction processes make use of sky models which have been developed for particular sky conditions. But due to latitude and local atmospheric variations the particular sky model can not be used universally. Therefore quantified sky model that based on local climate is required. These daylight availability data are considered essential for designing effectively daylit building because they provide the basis for specifying how much daylight is available, when it is available and from what direction it is received.The aim of this study is to present basic daylight availability data for the daylighting design and is to obtain the information on the local daylight climate from the quantitative viewpoint of daylight. This study may be considered as part of fundamental research in the quantitative characteristics of daylight and for the establishment of local sky models for predicting specific photometric quantities.