Title An Experimental Study of the control Performance of Radiant Floor Heating Systems
Authors 이승복
Page pp.237-244
ISSN 12251674
Abstract For the optimum control of radiant floor heating systems, it is generally understood that the supply water temperature should be varied in accordance with outdoor temperature due to the time-lag between thermostat demand and heat delivery to the space (ASHRAE 1987). MacCluer(1989) proposed the concept of proportional flux-modulation and claimed that the rate of heat entering the floor slab must be controlled, not the temperature. To evaluate these issues, a comparative study of temperature-modulation with outdoor reset control and proportional flux-modulation has been conducted through physical experiment in a laboratory setting. The test results show that flux-modulation favorably compares with temperature-modulation approach by maintaining stable indoor temperature around the setpoint and by demonstrating immediate response to any internal load disturbance.