Title Geometrically Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Plane Framed Structures
Authors 이화진 ; 박성수
Page pp.261-270
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study presents an accurate and efficient nonlinear analysis, based on the large deflection theory, applicable to elastic behavior of steel framed structures. The improved procedures are accomplished by using the full nonlinear strain-displacement relationships without approximation and by adopting an 8 d.o.f. beam element rather than the more usual 6 d.o.f. beam element.In this paper, the total lagrangian approach is used to develop the nonlinear equilibrium equations for a framed structures. And an incremental iterative method based on the Newton-Raphson is employed for the solution of the equilibrium equations.A computer program has been developed and 3 examples, frequently used in the literature, are given to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method. By comparison of numerical results with those of other methods, it is indicated that the method is very accurate, efficient and competitive.