Title A Study on the Method for Selecting the Optimum Building Component by Value Evaluation
Authors 유정호 ; 현창택 ; 김문한
Page pp.297-308
ISSN 12251674
Abstract It is very important and effective to analyze the performance and the cost of several alternatives at the design phase in the construction project. The performance items such as the needs of the end user and the constructor, and the physical performance item should be considered in company with the cost in selecting the optimum building component.The purpose of this paper is to arrange systematically the performance factors including the needs of the end user and the constructor, and the physical performance, to evaluate the performance and the cost quantitatively, and to calculate the value index from the ratio of the performance to the cost. In addition, the prototype method for selecting the optimum building component among the several alternatives based on this value index is presented. The Analytic Hierarchy Process technique is applied in weighting performance items and performance components.