Title The formation and development process of the Amsterdam school
Authors 최재석
Page pp.101-114
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This thesis examines into the formation and development process of Amsterdam School Architecture to one of Modern Architecture study of Netherland. It can mentions De Stijl(1917-1931) managed by Theo van Doesburg and Wendingen(1918-31) as the central of Amsterdam School to the representive Architectural Movement. Taking De Stijl international character, it pursues opended, analyzed, architecture while Amsterdam School abandons the new discoveries in favor of regional, decorative, architecture sothat, Two school couldn't unite each other for differences in the architectural disposition in spite of occuring in the same time. Particually, the architects of Amsterdam School presented the new possibility of Architecture as the annexation of inimitable character in the facade of housing to the manual arts and crafts method. But it was given a critigue to say 'facade architecture'to lay excessive emphasis on facade. It is talking shape more than the total figure of amsterdam School through the role of Wendingen, the works and acts of architect Michel de Klerk. And, the architectual theory of Amsterdam School.