Title An Experimental Study on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam under Combined Bending and Torsion
Authors 신종학 ; 하기주 ; 강신태
Page pp.211-222
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In 1960's, torsional effect of reinforced concrete members would not be considered because the effect of torsion is less than that of bending or shear in structural design. Recently however, the strength of steel and concrete is getting higher with the development of new materials for reinforced concrete building. Accordingly, the cross section of a member becomes smaller and the span length of girder becomes more longer. Because of these trends, it will be considered the effect of torsion in structural design of spandrel girder, which crossed floor beam. In this paper, experimental research was carried out to investigate and evaluate the behavior of reinforced concrete beam under combined bending and torsion. Based on the test results reported in this study, the followingconclusions can be made.1)The crack pattern of specimen, which were designed by the shear span ratio of 1.0, are similar to that of specimen with pure torsion, but specimen, larger shear span ratio of 1.5, 2.0 was more dependent on initial bending.2)The bearing capacity ratio of torsional and bending moment, in the case of shear span a/d=2.0, was higher 2.38 times by ocmparison with a/d=1.0.3)For the crach pattern of reinforced concrete spandrel girder, the decreasing of strrup spacing were showed closer crack spacing without overall reinforcement ratio.