Title The Ecological Perception Theory and the Possibilities of it`s Application for Architectural Design
Authors 이한석 ; 이상호
Page pp.17-28
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The psychology of perception has lessons and consequences for the architectural design theory and practice. This paper addresses the potential for architectural design of the theory of ecological perception as formulated by James J.Gibson. Especially, in this paper the questions of application of the ecological approach for making plans and designs of the built environment are mainly discussed. The architectural design can benefit from this approach for developing new design theory, making new design standards, developing new design aids, and educating design students. As a result of this study, instead of designing in terms of abstract representation, i.e. in terms of people's mind, as the former approach holds, designing could be in terms of affordances and effectivities,i.e.in terms of what people are albe to do with their bodies in the built environment. Architectural design should be and act for supporting the man-environment reciprocity that the ecological perception stresses.