Title Architectural plan configuration and its influence on user`s behavior: Way-finding performance and Architectural legibility
Authors 유신영
Page pp.105-114
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In the process of a architectural design, floorplan form represents one of the most fundamental and difficult problems to be solved. While architects and designers have traditionally relied on subjective "fuzzy" judgments, a number of way-finding problems associated with existing buildings suggest a need for systematic research. A conceptual model of architectural legibility of shopping centers is proposed with a particular concern for the development of objective measures of buinding floor plans. Environmental simulation via a computer generated graphic model was employed to test this conceptual model of architectural legibility. Experimental results substantiated most of the hypothesized relationship between variables in the proposed model. Particularly three variables of floorplan complexity(Interconnection Density, Axiality, and Convexity) were found to be important variables influencing both cognitive and emotional responses, and shaping indirectly respondents' attitudes toward the shopping center.