Title A Comparative Study on the Complexive Vibration Control of the Buildings with Base Isolation Systems
Authors 황민영
Page pp.181-188
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In resent years, considerable progress has been made in the area of aseismic protective systems for civil engineering structures. Under earchquake excitations, tall buildings may undergo significant lateral displacement. The buildings equipped with base isolation systems, the lateral displacement of base isolation systems may be significant and hence the P- effect may be important. The purpose of this paper is to show the optimal types of aseismic protective systems in buildings under earthquake excitation. Using algorithm of linear quadratic regulator, this paper investigates the effectiveness of five protective systems(base isolation only, base isolation + damper, base isolation + tendon, base isolation + tendon + damper). Demonstrations show that contol systems can be used to substantially reduce the response of buildings under strong earthquake excitations, if the control parameters are designed appropriately. Numerical examples for buildings are worked out to demonstrate the feasibility of vibration control systems.