Title A Study on the Quality of Site Location in Apt. Advertisement
Authors 신용재
Page pp.61-72
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study is based on the apartment advertisement of newspater in Pusan Area. The purpose of this study is to clarify on the 'Quality of Site Location'in apartment advertisement. Data are analyzed by SPSS PC+Program. The results are as follows;1) content and frequency of the Quality of Site Location are 'convenient traffic'(51.6%), 'educational environment'(34.4%), 'residential environment'(32.2%), 'public office and facility'(26.5%), 'central district'(25.3%), 'daylight'(20.6%), 'view'(10.9%) and 'site scale'(8.7%).2) Site Location Factors are derived by Factor Analysis, such as 'Traffic & distance Factor', 'Comfortable Environment Factor', 'Site Scale Factor' and 'Central District Factor'.3) There are significant differences by ANOVA Analysis between 4-main independent factors (apartment type, construction company, apartment scale, advertisement time) and 4-dependent factros(traffic & distance, comfortable environment, site scale and central central district).4) This study will be completed by another 3 related study of 'apartment design aspect', 'economical aspect' and 'trust aspect' on the advertisement of newspaper.