Title A Study on the Eldery`s Residence for Self-supportive Environment in Future
Authors 이경락 ; 귤지홍 ; 서봉교
Page pp.27-38
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This paper concerns the issue of residential facilities for the elderly. The focus is on the reciprocal changes in the elderly persons and their environment when they move from their accustomed homes to new surroundings. Then this paper focuses on following imporment points 1) The author sough to explain the features of social systems for dealing with the eldery, and the differences of restriction by residential environment for elderly. 2) Then this paper analyzes the various housing alternavives for the elderly in Japan and classifies them according to region. Through the above-mentioned analysis, author made a comparative evaluation of the graduated effects of material envieonments on the residents in housing facilities for the elderly.