Title A Study on the Psychological Evaluation Indicators for the Landscape Impact Assessment
Authors 임승빈 ; 신지훈
Page pp.153-162
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find psychological evaluation indicators and to suggest allowance limit of them for Landscape Impact Assessment(LIA). There are many indicators, i.e., viewing distance, location of landscape control points, color, texture, size of structures, etc. However, this study focuses on the relative size of buildings. The allowance limits are suggested in three levels ; acceptable, acceptable only after design review or Landscape Impact Assessment, and unacceptabel.Psychological indicators are classified into two factors : 'harmony' and 'diversity'. But the 'harmony' is associated with scenic beauty, so the 'interest' and 'cheerfulness' related to 'diversity' are selected for psychological indicators.The landscape impact assessment of a building should be based on 'Harmony' with surrounding landscapes. But if a building is considerably higher than the existing skyline, the building may secure permission only when it functions as a landmark.