Title A Study on the Prediction Simulation of Heavyweight Impact Sound Insulation Performance for Apartment House Using Impedance Method
Authors 김재수
Page pp.181-192
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The domestic floor structures, unlike foreign structures, are composed of composite layers, slab and multi resilient layers. The physical properties of resilient layers are not yet standardized, and the floor structures stimulated by a tapping machine and tire show a nonlinear response to the complicated vibration behavior. For these reasons, the prediction of sound insulation performance with the current theory is difficult and should be changed in order to predict the floor impact sound level at the disign stage. Thus, this paper study possiblity of simulation for heavyweight impact sound, soft impact source such as children jumping and running, using impedance method. According to these results, the floor impact sound for a heavyweight impact source, soft source was strongly influenced by structural factors such as floor slab area and peripheral support conditions and slab thickness. So, A result of calculated values from floor structures in domestic apartment house is presented to show the accuracy and appropriateness of the impedance method, proposed by Sho Kimura in Japan.