Title |
The Optimal Connection Properties of Secondary Structure for Structural Vibration Control |
Abstract |
In recent years, the idea of applying control methods to reduce damage to structures caused by wind or earthquake has been an area of considerable interest. Various control algolithms and control systems have been proposed and investigated. The tuned mass dampers have been found effective to reduce the wind or earthquake induced response of tall buildings by many investigators. They found that as the frequency of the tuned mass damper approaches the frequency of the primary structre, the tuned mass damper is effective in reducing the displacement and acceleration response of the primary structure. But in some cases, TMD can not be installed in the primary structure for various reasons. Consequently TMD should be installed in the secondary structure which is seperated from the main structure to support whole weight of TMD independantly. The main objective of this study is to obtain theoptimal connection properties between primary sturcture and secondary structure to reduce the response of primary structure subjected to wind or earthquake type disturbances. |