Title An Experimental study on the Flexural Behavior of Polymer Concrete Strengthened with GFRP
Authors 소양섭 ; 박홍신 ; 소승영 ; 조영국
Page pp.255-262
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Polymer concrete is a composite material consisting of aggregate particles held together by a polymeric binder. This polymer concrete has a high strength and good durability but poor toughness as compared to other concretes. Therefore, it is extremely important to improve the brittleness of polymer concrete in order to use as structural member in the construction industry. The objective of this is to find out the flexural behavior of polymer concrete strengthened with GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic) to improve the brittleness of polymer concrete, and to provide the basic data for the application of polymer concrete.From the test results, the flexural strength of polymer concrete strengthened with GFRP at outsid zone of tension is 16-28% higher than that of polymer concrete without strengthening, and the toughness of polymer concrete strengthened with GFRP is markedly improved. The flexural strength of ordinaly cement concrete strengthened with GFRP is the almost same as that of cement concretewithout strengthening, but the toughness is considerably increased except for D type of strengthening.