Title An Experimental Study on Properties and the Mixing Design of Crushed Sand Concrete
Authors 한천구 ; 윤기원
Page pp.263-270
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study is aimed for presenting the reference data in efficiency mixing design of concerte using curshed sand, through trial mixing, and analyzing the mechanical properties and drying shrinkage of that in hardened state. By the test results, comparing crushed sand with river sand on concrete mixing factors, unit water content and AE water reducing agents must be increased about-2~22kg/m3 and 08-0.17%, and S/A(sand/aggregate) need not be changed. And, in mechanical properties of the concrete, the compressive strength of the crushed sand compare with river sand appears a high under 330kg/cm2, and low over 330kg/cm2. The drying shrinkage of crushed sand concrete is larger than that of river sand.