Title A Study on the Characteristics of Regional Differential Item
Authors 이병룡 ; 김몽룡 ; 이선희 ; 이강 ; 오승규
Page pp.67-74
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Because of the changes in the consumers' needs, housing policy, and the construction environment of construction market, the needs to develop the new competitive types of housing arose. In this paper, we focused on the 52 regional differential items of construcion companies at Kwang-ju, Dae-Jeon, Chun-ju, In-cheon to figure out what kind of characteristics they have, and to develop the new regional differential items satisfying consumers' needs based on this result.The results are as follows:1) 7 of 52 items are not applied. 7 items are; an ultraviolet-ray-toothbrush-sterilizer, an outlet-forcomputer, a bathroom-view-hole, a health-balcony, a kitchen-videophone, and a fixed-ironing-board.2) The items in the information-and-communication group are mostly often applied.3) The items that affects the elevation of buildings, like a round-balcony and various staircase types, are often applied.4) The items are more often applied at Kwang-ju than other regions.5) As the private space gets bigger, the number of items applied bigger.