Title A Comparative case Study on the Oriental Style of Traditional Modern architecture in the East-South Asian Countries
Authors 송종석
Page pp.169-180
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study focuses on the contemporary architecture influenced from traditional oriential style in East-South Asian countries/cities. The countries/cities indicate beijing, Sanghai, Tai Pei Hong Kong, Bangkok, Phuket, Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Malak and Singapore. Total of 50 case studies, 10~23 of them from each regions are selected to compare.The comparison is mainly concentrated on the aspect of traditional figures design rather than the spatial aspect of the architectures in regard to regional culture. Pagodas from the traditional China, Housing in Indonesia, India and Isram architecture and religious architectures were also concerened with their culture. More than 15 cases of contemporary architecture are recognized as succesfull design reflected their regional and traditional figures