Title The Change of Building Complex of the Changdok Palace under the Reign of King Jongjo in the Chosun Dynasty
Authors 김동욱
Page pp.83-94
ISSN 12251674
Abstract During the reign of King Jongjo(r. 1776-1800), some new buildings were erected in the Changdok Palace; hall for enshrining the royal treasures and portraits and library of foreign and domestic books in the garden, office forscholars near the main gate, main hall and annex for the Crown Prince by the side of the Queen's quarters. New buildings changed the whole layout of the Palace. The Prince's quarters, which had been located at the eastern end, moved into the center. Southern parts of the garden became a place of enshrining the royal ancestors. Dignity and justness which was the common motif of the new building form overwhelmed the whole Palace complex. It could be said that the Changdok Palace met a restorative times under the reign of King Jongjo.