Title A Study on the Estimation of Basic Wind Speed for Design of Temporary Structures
Authors 하영철 ; 이석종
Page pp.159-170
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In this study, we try to investigate monthly maximum windspeeds recorded at 56 meteorological station in Korea in a period between 1972 and 1994. It is estimated for probablistic distribution to be fitted monthly maximum wind speeds, and characteristics between probablistic distribution of monthly maximum wind speeds and annual aximum wind speeds were analysed, and it's statistical tendencies were estimated. Results are presented in terms of the ratio between the monthly maximum valuefor mean recurrence period(10 years) and the annual maximum value for the corresponding period based on Gumbel's distribution. Contour maps of the mean recurrence period of 10 years and the ratio for twelve months were prepared for the practical design of temporary structures in Korea.