Title A Study on the Moisture Diffusion and Shrinkage of Polymer-Modified Mortars
Authors 조영국 ; 소양섭
Page pp.181-188
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The influence of moisture content and migration on the physical properties such as young's modulus, creep behavior and shrinkage is significant. In recent years, although many research works have been made on the water movement behavior in ordinary cement mortar, little is known about the polymer-modified mortars.The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of moisture diffusion on the shrinkage of polymer-modified mortars in dry processes of 20 C 50% R.H and 80% R.H. The polymer-modified mortarswere prepared with various polymer-cement ratio, and tested for the shrinkage in dry processes as moisture diffused.From the test results, the water diffusion and the shrinkage of polymer-modified mortars in dry process of 20 C 50% R.H. were bigger than for a dry process of 20 C 80% R.H., and decreased with increasing polymer-cement ratio regardless of polymer type. The shrinkage and weight loss of polymer-modified mortars for a year through drying process were much lower than that of ordinary cement mortar due to the resistance to water migration of polymer films formed in polymer-modified mortars.