Title A Study on the Application of Condition Survey for the Analysis of Apartment Repair and Maintenance Costs
Authors 김용수
Page pp.221-232
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In order to examine the rationale for screening apartment maintenance cost data using a condition survery, a visual condition survery by 5 observers from 78 apartment complexes was performed and resultant condition scores were analysed using statistical techniques such as Pearson correlation, ANOVA and regression analysis.From the analyses the most significant factors influencing apartment conditions are identified as average unit size, building age, and management (including maintenance) cost. Furthermore, apartment conditions are more influenced by average unit size and management (including maintenance) cost than building age as the building age increases. Therefore, the data of management (including maintenance) cost can be reasonably well screened for the modelling purpose by setting acceptable condition level which represents serviceability of apartment buildings, if average unit size is similar That is, once a required condition level is chosen according to modelling purposes, the collected data can be screened accordingly.