Title A Fundamental Study on the Estimation of Unit Cement Content in Hardened Concrete by Sodium Gluconate
Authors 김광서 ; 이용수 ; 유영호
Page pp.197-208
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose new estimation method of unit cement content in hardened concrete. In general, the quantity of cement in hardened concrete is tested by hydrochlonic acid dissolving cement paste, however, hydrochloric acid dissolves sea shell contained in sea sand and lime stone in concrete. Therefore, the tested cement content is apt to estimate greater than actual cement content. The sodium gluconate solution dissolves only cement in concrete, for it is hard to dissolve sea shell and lime stone as CaCO3. The effects of the quantity, concentration and temperature of sodium gluconate solution, the ignition temperature, the ignition loss of cement on the cement content and the percentage of dissolution of cement were investigated to establish a test method. From the results of these tests, thefundamental test method for cement content of hardenedconcrete by sodium glconate is proposed.