Title |
Strength to Resist against the Pressure of the Filled Concrete in Double Wall System |
Authors |
이리형 ; 이원호 ; 현창국 ; 임재형 ; 이두나 ; 전형갑 |
Abstract |
This paper present comprehensive test data on the factors to resist against the pressure of the filled concrete in double wall system. The predicted factors to resist against the pressure of the filled concrete are the cover thickness of a truss bar, the spacing of the truss bar, the alitance of the concrete, and etc. To inquire about the effect by the factors,eleven specimens are tested. The result show that the cover thickness of the truss bar is very effective for the ultimatestrength. In double wall system more cover thickness of the truss bar is increased, more ultimate strength have enchaced.However, the final failure mode of a specimens is brittle as soon as the truss bar is separated from the concrete. |