Title A Study on the Present Status and Problem Analysis of Construction Process Management in Domestic Building Construction Sites
Authors 김용수 ; 황문환 ; 박찬식
Page pp.253-264
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In order to analyze the persent status and porblems of construction process management in domestic building construction sites, a comprehensive survey on construction process management generals (used techniques, level of knowledge and application of CPM, and so on), planning and operation status, and some qualitative matters was performed from 63 domestic construction sites. The collected data were analyzed through statistical techniques such as descriptives, correlation analysis, Median test, and Kruskal-Wallis test.Form the analysis,identified important problems are 1)no existence of relationship between the level of process management and company size/project cost/project period, 2)inferiority of the application of process management techiques, 3)non-consideration on the variability of activity duration, 4)failure to timely update process management charts, 5)absence of practical education about CPM(especially to subcontractors), and 6)absence of systematic management centered on process management.