Title A Study on the Improvement Plan of Construction Safety Management
Authors 안홍섭 ; 고성석 ; 이찬식
Page pp.265-276
ISSN 12251674
Abstract It is gernerally agreed that the fundamental causes of occupational accidents lies in the lack of control. Therefore the improvement of the degree of hazard control could be a fundamental measure for the prevention of accidents in the construction process as well. So far as information is critical for the managerial decision,construction safety management could be drastically enchanced through the efficient utilization of safety information. But the safety information provided by the manufacturing industry is not appropriate for the construction industry, because the precedure and information used in the well-structured manufacturing industry does not reflect the dynamic nature of the construction industry. This paper analyze the status investigation of the construction and the questionnaire of the construction employee. Therefore this research present a improvement plan of construction safety management.