Title A Study on the Socio-Cultural Characteristics of Rural Residential Architecture in Suburban Area
Authors 진정
Page pp.45-58
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The study redefines the socio-cultural meaning of the ruralresidential architecture and how to change the value of lifein relation with physical environment in rural society.Korean rural areas, especially the settlement between the rural and the urban sectors, has been experiencing rapid industrialization and urbanization since the 1970s'. The process of modernization and industrialization of rural housing has simplified architecture with physical function and such simplified and idealistic assumptions tended to overwhelm the situation at the ignorance of complex reality of the traditional rural housing. Modern architecture and technology have contribute to the upgrading of physical entity in rural housing, but not of the people who are involved in particular cultural conditions. The socio-culturalstudy in rural housing may contribute in this situation because it sees the physical environment not as a absolute entity but as a complex and relative one interating with economical, social and cultural phenomena in rural society. The study reflects the new architectural views with socio-cultural aspects in bettering the Korean rural housing conditions.