Title A Study on Cooperative Method in the Design of Multi-family Housing Estates
Authors 박철수 ; 이유미 ; 서주정
Page pp.179-190
ISSN 12251674
Abstract During recent years in Korea close attention has been paid to site design methodology of multi-family housing by cooperative design system which can be placed under the umbrella of rise of quality of life issues and subjugation of standardized environment occurred on last three decades, in the era of mass production.This paper is a kind of serial comments on proposals for new design methodology of multi-family housing. And the purpose of this paper, therefore, is to present a kind of application of cooperative design system in this country based on the case studies in Japan. As results, this paper has proposed three types of application methods and eight kinds of practical tools for promoting total environment of multi-family housing. In addition to the previous paper which have dealt with cooperative system, this one would be also a useful methodology in planning and design of multi-family housing in new invironment.