Title Cinema Complex: Interpreting an Attribute of Cinema into Experiential Space
Authors 김수영 ; 정진원 ; 김준성
Page pp.67-80
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Nowaday, interpretation of the program and site becomes much more multiplied and individualized than before, it seems that we can apply more diverse possibility to architecture.But in reality we still come to select a superficial meanings, not facing the program and site as they are, not reduced. The fragmental interpretation of the meanings depends on the visual polish or abstracted mental struggle, so it makes substance of the program and site to the surface only and difficult. This is the same to the cinemas. One understand the cinema as merely, 'the place of sceening cinema' or 'the place of watching cinema'. It is rarely understood as 'the architectural experience composed through the interpretation of program and site can be touched'. Thus, on the thesis, before looking back and architectural references, interpretation of cinema's attribute comes first-that is, the border of time and space is liquid. All sorts of experiments carried out for the porject period played a great role to generate ideas and they were applied to architectural phenomena.