Title A Study on the Direction of Applying Universal Design on Buildings and Facilities in Korea
Authors 하미경 ; 제해성
Page pp.107-116
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Ths study intents to investigate applicability of universal design concept on various buildings and facilities. The study is based upon the survey of architectural professionals and their attitude towards universal design. For the survey, a questionnaire was developed through pretest and pilot test. The total design method by Dillman was applied to collect data. Sample was drawn from the professional group in architectural engineering and design field. Thirty five respondents were subject to the data analysis. The study has evaluated the level of application of universal design/barrier-free enivironment principles. The perceptional importance of universal design in residential buildings, public buildings, commercial buildings, office buildings, and public transportation facilities was identified. The major findings are:1) The concept of universal design is regarded to be important by architectural professionals but term itself is not familiar to them.2) The quality of existing facilities is very poor with respect to the provision of "barrier free" environment.3) People feel a great deficit between ideal and current level of universal design quality at existing buildings and facilities.The study suggests that the application of universal design concept should be applied to building and facility design in order to improve quality of life and the reinforcement of legal system be necessary as well.