Title A Study Transition and Architectural Characteristics of the Secondary Stations(Gong-So) in Taejon Diocese
Authors 김문수 ; 홍승재
Page pp.127-142
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The study is concerned with the historical chaning process and architectural characteristics of the secondary stations(Gong-So) in Korean catholic church. The main object of this study will be to adjust the historical matrials of the scattered architectures of the secondary stations(Gong-So). That is to say, we studied the characteristics of secodary stations(Gong-So) architecture changed through history and various typical characteristics of secondary stations(Gong-So) structures.This survey deals with 180 secondary stations(Gong-So) in the diocese of Taejon that appeared from 1784 to 1996, there were 145 existing buildings and 35 destroyed sited selects as subjects for the study.