Title A Study on the Radiation Shielding of the Hospital building
Authors 부척양 ; 장철인
Page pp.163-174
ISSN 12251674
Abstract After the discovery of the Xray late in the 19c, radiation adapted to the field of medicine made it easy to screen the information inside the body and accordingly provided the medical world with a revolutionary turnaround. But, no statement about safe manage-ment of diagnostic X-ray devices, which play an important role in diagnosis radiology, is included in the Atomic Energgy Law. Con-sequently, ratiologists are left unprotected from the damage with no legal regulative measures.The aim of this study is to evaluate the radiation diagnostic department, by the analysis of a precalculated leakage dose and an actual survey dose. Furthermore, a series of computational algorithms and various parameters which were utilized ininterpreting the radiation shielding were supplied to a computer with a program. This program may allow a beginner in radiology to understand the design and the safety analysis of radiationshielding.