Title A Study for Estimating Environmental Load Throughout Building Life Cycle
Authors 송두삼 ; 이승복
Page pp.175-184
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Recently, global warming becomes an issue throughout the world. Global warming is mainly caused by adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere via burning fossil fuels. Especially, the building industries consume about 24% of the total energy, and it seriously affects the global warming. In this context, the developed countries have made efforts to evaluate the impacts on global warming caused by various types of construction related activities.Thus, the objective of this study is to: 1) define the comcept of environmental load, 2) develop a method to evaluate environmental load, and 3) evaluate the life cycle environmental loads of a sample building as an analysis model. The analysi will help the architects make comparison of design alternatives with varying environmental loads, and make a final decision for environmentally sound building design.