Title An Experimental Study on the Shear Behavior of Reinforced High Strength Lightweight Concrete Beams without Stirrups
Authors 권우현 ; 오창륜 ; 곽윤근 ; 노희일
Page pp.255-266
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Lightweight and higher compressive strengths are two of most desired characteristics to improve the use of concrete as a construction material. Although these characteristics are very desirable, most of the work has concentrated on normal weight aggregate conctete and information on lightweight concrete is very little. In this study twelve singly reinforced high strength lightweight concrete beams without stirrup were tested to investigate their behavior and to determine their ultimate shear strength. The variables were shear span to effective depth ratio(a/d=2,3,4,6) and longitudinal steel ratio(pw=0.96%, 1.5%, 2.2%). The test results were analyzed and compared with strength predicted by ACI code equation, Zsutty's equation, Bazant & Kim's equation, and Mathey & Watstain's equation.