Title As Experimental Study on Ultimate Capacity of the Connection by Group Headed Study Bolts and Stud Length in Mixed Structure.
Authors 최문식
Page pp.267-276
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of experimental study is to evaluate the ultimate capacity and behavior of connections through experiments of full scall specimens which group headed stud bolt is used for connecting structural steel and concrete in mixed structure. The scope of study is the effect about group studs and length of stud. The experimental results are as follows ;1. The ultimate capacity of connection increases a few due to truncated pyramid failure.2. Long stud tranforms concrete failure to shear failure of stud.3. Because the appearance of slightly vertical crack breaks out right before failure in group studs, previous warning of failure is given.4. The character of behavior for group studs is that P- cruve is appeared M-shaped in the vicinity of failure.5. The ultimate capacity of connection by group studs is used in tension part can be obtained as following equations.