Title A Study on the Modern-Tendency of the Italian Rationalism in 1930`s
Authors 김종헌
Page pp.45-52
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In general, the word "Modern" included the concept of time and used commonly after the industrial revolution in the late 18th century. In other words, "Modern" meant the French revolution in sociology and industrialization in economics at that time. But that time was not a obvious starting-point of "Modern" in architecture. After the advent of Musolini in 1920's, Italian architecture became to active. Especially, some young alliance of Italian Rationalist architects tried to characterize their unique works through a balance between the reverence for Le Corbusier's machanical aesthetic and the classical mounmentality of Greek temples at Milan, Como, Torino and so on. The young architects contributied critical roles in making new era of the italian architecture which is distinguished from the masters in the same time like Le Cobusier, Mies van der Rohe and W.Gropious.