Title Modular Dimensional Coordination & Grid System in Building
Authors 박준영 ; 정무웅
Page pp.91-99
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to suggest a practical plan KS(Basic Standards) and to equip it related with Modular Dimensional Coordination & Grid System in Building. The method of this study is executed as following ; to analyze and synthesize operative condition about standardization in building at each field, KS and ISO on which were focused by developed nation. ; and to compare and analyze mutually ISO FDIS N153 "Modular Dimensional Coordination in Building" and KS(Basic Standards) related directly. The result of this study suggest a plan of reorganization of the Modular Dimensional Coordination in Building and a practical plan of the Grid System in Building. Also it suggests a plan for the reorganization of KS(Basic Standards) related with ISO FDIS N153.