Title A Planned Study on the Construction of Apartment`s External Space
Authors 이득림 ; 박재승
Page pp.113-122
ISSN 12269093
Abstract Since the Industrial Revolution, the speedy growth had been achieved and the specialized, international, and information age has come. The increase of population, however, brings about urban area's overpopulation, rise in land value, traffic congestion, and urban area's population. Our emotional life is more being pressured by those phenomena, and consequently, larger concern is being concentrated on the external space of housing complexes. In particular, there is a growing recognition about the need for the external space of apartment complex. The purpose of this study is to serve as a basis for improving the quality of apartment's external space, by grasping the problems of the space through literature, questionnaire, and on-the-spot inspection, and by suggesting some measures to desirably make up the space.