Title Redevelopment Plan of Kumwha Apartment for Improvement of Housing Environment : Focusing on Transitional Space
Authors 최형일 ; 정진원 ; 민선주
Page pp.133-140
ISSN 12269093
Abstract This design project is based upon the establishment of the transitional space in urban contemporary housing. The recent housing development is facing new and diverse demands for the public space. Currently, large scale redevelopment project is in progress for the improvement of housing environment. However, most redevelopment projects have pursued economic efficiency instead of quality improvement. Therefore, it resulted in the lack of communal life and extreme individual life-style. This design project attempts to find and to analyze an order and inter-relationship between the existing transitional spaces. The latter part of the design process applies the found order into the rehabilitated buildings and the apartment complex, which will improve the quality of the communal life in the housing area.