Title A Study on the Historical Significance of ZhuZiDaQuan`s Discourse on the Architecture Mentioned in Classics
Authors 정기철 ; 심우갑
Page pp.151-163
ISSN 12269093
Abstract This paper aimed to study the historical meanings of ZhuZiDaQuan's discourse on 'MingTang'(明堂, imperial palace-temple) and 'MiaoQin'(廟寢, temple-housing). In period of Han and Tang Dynasty, most architectural dicourses had centered on building 'MingTang', and in result many arguments had been raised by the confucianists. In this situation, while solving radical difficulties, ZhuXi definitely made the established view on 'MingTang'. On the other hand, the newly emerged intellectuals in Song Dynasty had begun to criticize the previous architectural notions in Classics, and to investigate their own architectural system-'MiaoQin' on the basis of YiLi(儀禮, the Rituals). In this trend of the era, ZhuXi, firstly and systematically, elaborated on the system of 'MiaoQin'. After this, ZhuXi's view on 'MiaoQin' became the norm for building the Ancestral Temple, and also much influenced on the intellectuals in the 17th century at Choson.