Title The Transformation of Shanghai Lilong Housing
Authors 한필원
Page pp.177-189
ISSN 12269093
Abstract Shanghai Lilong housing, a modern urban multi-family housing type, was developed from the regional traditional house with the influence of western housing. It has been constructed and transformed for a century till the middle of 20C. The objective of this study is to trace the transformation process and to clarify its directions. The study interprets three directions of the transformation, listed as below, as the architectural base on which Lilong housing has worked as a modern urban housing type for more than a century. 1. Toward more density(floor area) and spatial differentiation. 2. Toward the diversity and flexibility of spatial organization along with newly adopted materials and structural system. 3. Toward securing bearable environmental condition by means of rear-Tianjing, and opening system with balcony replacing Tianjing