Title The range on Color Differences by L*a*b* of neighbor Buildings for the Color Harmony in Street
Authors 이진숙 ; 서정원
Page pp.209-216
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The Purpose of this study is to graspthe psychological effect of color difference and the proper range for each street image through the analysis of the relation between color difference adn mental quality. The major independent variables are color differences among near buildings. This experiment is carried out by the evaluation method with the color image processor. The major results are as follows ; 1) In the image evaluation by the characteristics of color difference, physical colors were most effective on street image. And the color differences between 0 and 20 were mostly very effective. Just in 'varied', the active image, the color differences over 30 were very effective and the arrangement of color was also very effective. 2) In the color difference, mental quantity was almost equal to physical quantity.