Title Contribution Ratio of Each Surface of Receiving Room for Floor Impact Sound Transmission by Using Sound Intensity Method
Authors 김명준 ; 손장열 ; 김흥식
Page pp.217-225
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The floor impact sound is important factor for comfortable indoor environment in multi-family housing. In order to develop the reduction method and to predict the sound insulation performance, it is necessary to analyze the transmission characteristics of impact sound accurately. The goal of this study is to evaluate the sound power which is radiated by floor impact sound by using sound intensity method and to suggest the contribution ratio of surfaces of receiving room. The results show that the total sound power of the receiving room is critically transmitted through the ceiling in heavy-weight impact source and transmitted through the four side walls in light-weight impact source. Therefore, to reduce the impact sound power of receiving room more effectively, the reduction method to the wall of receiving room as well as the floor of source room should be considered.