Title An Analysis on the Structure of Meaning for Amenities of Sound Environment : A Classification of sound and its meaning
Authors 한명호 ; 정광용 ; 김재수 ; 국찬 ; 김선우
Page pp.235-246
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the psychological meanings and attributes of sound, which is the method of fundamental approch for the amenities of sound environment. Also it is essential to find the individual factors which determine the wantedness or unwantedness of sound in order to understand the meanings of sound. So, emotional expression of fifty four kinds of sound was surveyed using the method of selected description in five regions-Namwon, Iksan, Kwangju, Naju, and Sunchon city. The classification and cross regional differences among adjectives and sounds were analyzed. On the basis of the adjectives selected and cluster analysis, it was found that each regions has different verbal expressions for emotional impression of sound. Therefore, in cases of acoustic design in living spaces or places such as soundscape design, it is necessary to reflect upon what message is involved in the sound.