Title A Study of the Visual Design Technique of Highrize Housing Complex : Focused on Exterior Space
Authors 이재준 ; 김동영 ; 김정재
Page pp.175-184
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest a method to have the exterior space with a visual specifics of Highrize Housing Complex which is higher than a 15-story building. In this study, the existing data and the theory of Perception Structure or Urban Design are used, and then the problems that the visual environment of Highrize Housing Complex has are analyzed, so the design guidlines as the standard criteria of this study are made by the use of these data. The results of this study are (1) to offer the open exterior space to feel the visual openness through the alignment, (2) to align or diversify the traffic facilities to the perimeter of Highrize Housing Complex to protect the pedestrial environment of resident. (3) to provide the sufficient physical or visual connection of some exterior spaces.