Title A Study on the Application of Parataxis & Entaxis in the Design of City Block
Authors 이경진 ; 정진원 ; 한영경
Page pp.203-212
ISSN 12269093
Abstract This thesis proceeds by separating the two principles that operate in the creational process of architecture. They are : ideation and synergetic transformation into structure. Though these two process, I have attempted to contextualize the theoretical notion of parataxis and entaxis within the syntax of modern urban design. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a solution to the pressing problem that is endemic to an urban environment that was created over- night, without a critical mass of historic buildings to anchor its sprawl. This study recognizes the problem facing a city that needs, on the one hand, to optimize land-use on the other, provide a guideline to foster a growth that will that enhance the quality of urban space.